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- Trademark Renewal
The period of validity of a registered trademark shall be ten years, counted from the date of approval of the registration.
Where the registrant intends to continue to use the registered trademark beyond the expiration of the period of validity, an application for renewal of the registration shall be made within six months before the said expiration. Where no application therefore has been filed within the said period, a grace period of six months may be allowed. If no application has been filed at the expiration the grace period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled.
2、Requied documents
(1) Renewal form, with the company seal or the signature;
(2) Power of attorney, with the company seal or the signature (No legalization or notarization is required);
(3) Copy of Business certificate or the identity certificate, with the company seal or the signature;
(4) Copy of trademark certificate.
(1) Filing renewal application
Official filing notice will be issued by CTMO within one month after formality examination.
(2) Renewal certificate.