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- Website Change Announcement
2012 is the Tenth anniversary of T&S trademark agency Ltd.In order to provide a more detailed、richer IP information platform to our customers at home and abroad,we change our website in a large scale.
The new version of home page was divided into 7 parts and 21 detailed items.It includes T&S introduction、domestic trademark、international trademark、patent、copyright、enforcement、legal and contact.
In “domestic trademark”section, we refine the application guidelines、well-known trademark、application forms and trademark classification.And it will introduce domestic trademark business such as application、opposition、change recordal、assignment、renewal and review of rejection.
With development of our international business, we add an “international trademark”section.It will highlight two registration methods、advantage and disadvantage of them. Apart from the details of Madrid system, we will introduce application information over 50 countries all over the world.
The new website will be formally launched and put into use on 19 September 2012. we will certainly continue to improve.